Arts, Audio/Visual Technology & Communications
he Arts, Audio/Visual Technology & Communications Career Cluster focuses on preparing students for employment in careers that relate to the designing, producing, exhibiting, performing, writing, and publishing multimedia content, including visual and performing arts, design, journalism, and entertainment services. Students who take courses in this area will participate in the production of our high school radio and television broadcasts.
There are three Career Pathways offered through this career cluster which include:
This occupation attracts many applicants who are interested in working with the latest technology and electronic equipment. Those looking for work in this industry will have the most job opportunities in smaller markets or stations. Those with hands-on experience, excellent portfolios, and work experience at a radio or television station will have the best job prospects. In addition, technicians should be versatile, because they set up, operate, and maintain equipment. An associate’s or bachelor’s degree in broadcast technology, broadcast production, computer networking, or a related field also will improve job prospects for applicants.

SkillsUSA is an extracurricular organization made up of students, teachers and industry representatives working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce. SkillsUSA empowers its members to become world-class workers, leaders and responsible American citizens. SkillsUSA improves the quality of our nation’s future skilled workforce through the development of personal, workplace and technical skills grounded in academics.

Technology Student Association (TSA)
The Technology Student Association is the extracurricular organization for students engaged in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). TSA is open to students enrolled in or who have completed technology education courses. TSA is supported by educators, parents and business leaders who believe in the need for a technologically literate society. Members learn through exciting competitive events, leadership opportunities and much more. The diversity of activities makes TSA a positive experience for every student.