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Delaney Bigler, President of the Westlake HOSA chapter, was chosen as Alpine School
District’s 2019 U.S. Presidential Scholar in CTE. She was nominated by her Westlake Medical
Anatomy & Physiology teacher, Kristen Adams. Delaney has worked hard throughout high
school to maintain a 3.969 GPA. She has taken 3.5 credits of college credits and is currently
enrolled at MTech in the Medical Assisting Program. She was one of three people in her school
selected to attend a vigorous hospital internship at American Fork Hospital for a full semester.
She is earning 2 CTE Pathways in Medical Assisting and Exercise Science Sports Medicine.
Delaney held an after school job for more than a year to save over $3000 to pay for an
18 day HEFY (Humanitarian Experience for Youth) humanitarian trip to Lima, Peru last summer.
She spent her time at a work site helping to build a much needed free medical center for an
underdeveloped rural area.
Helping others in need is important to Delaney. She is working on developing a spray-on
chap stick for cancer patients undergoing radiation or chemotherapy. She came up with the
idea after she sat in a presentation about the effects of radiation and chemotherapy on cancer
patients where she learned that they develop extremely dry skin and even a little touch can
hurt. One day as she was applying her own lipstick, she realized that it dried out her lips and
the idea of a spray-on chap stick came to her to help the cancer patients. Instead of rubbing the
dry lips with chap stick, she will develop a fine mist chap stick to keep the lips moist without
touching the skin and causing more pain. She had the idea, is doing the research and is
developing it for the next HOSA State Competition.
Delaney’s career goal is to become a doctor and to bring medicine to third world